The benefits with Scirona for piglet growth

Improved growth: Porcine meat production is associated with several challenges. One example is the transition from milk nutrition from sow to standard pig feed. Typically transition to standard feed occurs at 2-3 weeks of age. This period represents a sensitive time point in animal development since the intestinal lining is still under development. Early transition to standard feed, when the intestinal lining is not fully developed, is associated with gastrointestinal problems and poor weight gain.

Scirona is based on two natural compounds that promote gastrointestinal health, namely Resveratrol and Curcumin. Numerous studies show that these compounds can strongly promote animal gastrointestinal health and promote weight gain. However, the main drawback is their poor solubility in water which limits their applicability in feed.

Applicable for wet and solid feed: Letavis has applied crystal engineering and developed crystals of Resveratrol and Curcumin with highly improved solubility in water. Our crystals are applicable both in solid or watery pig feed and are very cost efficient and this will provide major benefits to our users. Furthermore, scientific experiments show that these compounds are non-toxic and highly beneficial to animals and humans alike.

Proven Efficiency: Our field experiment shows that feeding piglets after weaning with our Scirona compounds promotes gastrointestinal health and improves animal weight gain and growth. Our field pilot test shows that piglets treated with Curcumin and/or Resveratrol grow in average ≈ 15% faster compared with non-treated animals.

Based on decades of scientific research: Letavis has developed and patent-protected our findings which exploit an impressive body of scientific research. There are close to 40.000 entries in the scientific literature that demonstrate that Curcumin and Resveratrol are safe, efficient, and beneficial. The scientific consensus points out that the main problem is the low solubility in water, a problem that Letavis has solved using crystal engineering.